The games people play, indeed. Amplified by the internet.

Thank you for this message. I'm still at the stage of resisting the old patterns of shame and guilt, but by His teachings and the shield of faith, I practice daily and each day let go of the past more and gain the relief of a captive set free. Thank you, Jesus.

I find it hard to believe people think the bible is The Word when it's so clear Jesus is The Word.

Thank you for the aritcle. All glory to God.

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Jul 25Author

Thank you so much for your comment Pirate!

I would like to recommend to you the book titled "I'm OK - You're OK" by Thomas A. Harris. He wrote this as a summary of Dr. Eric Berne's work on "transactional analysis". It is not a Christian book per se but I believe that Dr. Harris is a follower of Jesus. In any case your own faith will elucidate any failure of Harris to connect Jesus with these discoveries concerning largely unconscious ego states and how they communicate within the individual and with other people they associate with.

For example, when Harris talks about the 'Adult' - the layman name he gives to Berne's more formal 'Neopsyche' - you can take that as meaning the Adult ego state illuminated by Christ.

I think you will find the whole thing interesting but in particular when he talks about the development of the 'Child' ego state. I think this will give you much self compassion when you read this. Essentially, the child is really quite genius and will figure out a way to get some degree of control of its environment. Of course the more authoritative its parents or adults in authority, the more devious it may become to exercise some control. An example would be a child learning that temper tantrums will get it what it wants. Another child may learn to lie and deceive. Of course that may work as a child but then becomes inappropriate and unacceptable when the child grows up and still practises those same strategies. It gets very interesting when Harris talks about the 'monster'. This is the child that has extreme and cruel pressures put on it by uncaring and even evil parents or authority figures. This child becomes pathological and without divine intervention can become psychopathic and a danger to society and to itself.

I personally carried a great deal of guilt for bad choices that I made when I was a teenager. This caused me a great deal of psychological trauma. In many ways, the Christian faith; as it has been corrupted; only makes this worse for someone who has truly been a victim of what can only be described as demonic assault on him or her. Sure, it may be said that we made our own choices but that is in fact very lacking in compassion and wisdom. Much of what we do comes from our own internal suffering and pain. It is also self perpetuating as the more we act out our pain, the worse we behave and the greater accumulation of self recrimination and even self hatred. Jesus breaks that entire chain! That is why I focus more on Jesus as the good Shepherd rescuing us who He always sees as his innocent lambs. Modern Christianity seems to focus so much on punishment and sin. Jesus is all about healing and restoration.

My two bits dear one!

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